🤪December is already behind but the energy is still influencing you in January - those cut-through and defending relationships, fighting for career and business.. It has been narrow victory for everyone, which has triggered the question “is it worth to stay where you are!?”
🤩For no surprise, the aspiration is with the World card - we aspire that January 2022 is new beginning and completion of our dreams and goals. We initiate new targets with hope of great results! It is great to see that energy is healing and moving forward with hope and BIG DREAMS recovering after the loss and seeing a light at the end of the tunnel. The dreams can come true ONLY with dedication, hard work and commitment towards them and this is going to be the show-stopper for majority.
😶🌫️Personal relationships, love life and career is going to be surrounded with energy of emotional drama and disloyalty or instability. You are going through difficult times in January and in order to overcome them, you are lacking the qualities to endure them. Commitment, keeping the promises, support and mutual understanding, encouragement. Over inflated egos or arrogance will make the situation worse…
👿You may be holding on to old negative energy from past issues or experiences that may be having a knock on effect on your health. It might be a good idea to try Reiki or some form of energy healing to help you release those energies. If you are holding onto old emotional or psychological baggage, talking to a friend or professional counsellor might help you to release some of those issues.
👻10 of Cups Rev - you are not sticking to your own personal moral code in some way. You need to be true to yourself and follow your spiritual path in order to find true fulfillment.
🙌Do you already feel how your own choices lead you in this unconformable crossroad situation? What IF you would change NOW and CHANGE THE RESULT?
The most important lesson for January is initiation of stability, commitment, planing and setting realizable goals and going after them with practical steps. Less dreaming - more doing! Focus on reuniting and having positive people around you, celebrating positive events and NEW beginning! 🔥
